
A Vapid Post About Hair and Chipmunk Cheeks

Here's a funny picture of me dressed like an urban lumberjack to collect sap. I post it because I think it was the same day that I asked Millie to trim my gross hair.  She trimmed off four inches, and then I just kept cutting in a vain attempt to make my face look less chubby. (Both meanings of "vain" apply here.)

I put down the scissors not too long after Piper screeched to the other girls, "Mama's ruined her hair!!!," so I stopped short of the angled bob or pixie cut OR shaved head I was moving toward.  Then I had Millie hide the scissors; I truly did. The experiment was not a clear success.  I am still chubby, but now I also look morose...and middle-aged.

Until Susannah told me to make a "poochie lips face."  

This is a "poochie lips face."

And I'm still tempted by the scissors...


heidiann(e) said...

I think it's pretty.

Abigail said...

Ah, you do this morose, middle-aged matron's heart good.

Liana said...

ah ha... a post about the "hair cutting day"...
I like it - you look fabulous & not middle aged, or chubby!

Rebecca said...

That top picture looks like it is out of a magazine ad. The toilet paper model must have moved into the Country Life advertising genre.

Abigail said...

Thanks, Liana!

HA! I'd forgotten about the toilet paper model! Yup. She's definitely moving up in the world.