
The Party Proper, i.e. People

Lots of people make a party!

The happy birthday Wren, herself!

Whoah. That's one handsome dude. (Since the girls approached teenager-hood, John has told them to stay far away from boys with funny hair. Sorry, Andrew. I guess that's the end of the Owen-Newman friendships.)

John never did mention boys with antlers, though. Hmmm. Gonna have to add that to the Stay Away From list.

Luci! Your elf ears are on backwards. How embarrassing.

MORE funny hair. Sorry, Quincy, you're on the Barred From Life list now, too.

I took this picture to document Rundy-- a.k.a. Party-Party Man-- faithfully working to finish the outsides of the windows while all the wild things roamed beneath.

So, my original thought was that the party-goers would arrange themselves in groups of two or three in front of the backdrop, all cute and charming, like so.

This is what we got, instead. Ha! And it was so much better.

Grandma Owen bought a pinata and enough candy to choke a dozen horses. It was a big hit (truly, no pun intended there) and served the purpose of take-home favors, too!

I was indoors and missed most of the gift-opening, but snagged a few important ones of Tadhg and his lollipop.

The children played lots of games. I was mostly yelling orders at them through a bullhorn (you remember the last party?) or inside making salads, so, alas, there are no pictures.

But here's one of two grandmas in one frame. We are so glad to be able to share these parties with them both! :)


Rebecca said...

That brown wig on Andrew is just TOO MUCH!

Abigail said...

I think it may have been two wigs, with an added cup underneath. He was DEDICATED.