
Millie was extremely bashful, but she sat after a boy elf with a pageboy haircut plopped her on Santa's knee.


Rebecca said...

I LOVE Annika's hair. Her hair and then the background...need I say it?!?!

It's a Jan Brett story book, come to life!

Abigail said...

I thought of you when I saw the backdrop! It looks so much like a Jan Brett illustration that I had to believe that she either painted it or someone copied her style. (Or SHE copied someone else's....unthinkable)

Anonymous said...

This photo reminds me of that silly movie "A Christmas Story". Hopefully, your elf was nice to Millie. :)


Abigail said...

I've never seen the movie, but thankfully John is pop-culturally literate, and told me that he thinks Santa says, "You'll shoot your eye out."

Sounds like a good one... :)