
We cut down a Christmas tree. (Those of you who know our Christmas tree history know how happy this made me.) This is the sky as we left my parent's house with the saw and rope needed to tree-hunt. Tree-hunting, for the uninitiated, is always best done in the nearly-dark, cold night.


Anonymous said...

I like that picture a lot. I'd think it would be the sort of picture that would bring back memories of outdoor times as a kid.

I like being up in the woods when the trees shrink back into dark silhouettes, with skinny, innumerable branches overlapping into a dark mass...and in their upper branches are blobs of the fading sun mingling with blurry dark blobs of leaves (when it's summertime, at any rate.)

Abigail said...

It brings back those memories for me, I know, and hopefully is a harbinger of more to come.

Me, too. :)