

The day we left for the Island, I took the girls to the Discovery Center. It's been too long since our last visit, and we discovered that Susannah's big enough to get into everything now.

This is one of Millie's favorite rooms. She never tires of lying down on the hospital bed and calling "Nurse, please bring me my child" so that she can tend to her newborn babe. Yes, I'm the lucky nurse, and no, I don't understand how she bore such a dark-skinned baby.

Blurry. Oh, well.


Rebecca said...

When you mentioned that you went to the Discovery center the day before your trip-I about swallowed my tongue! Whenever a trip looms in front of us, the day before (and morning of) are brimming with chores, small and large, and I am flapping my wings about and pecking at my children to not make more messes.

And now you know my secret.

Abigail said...

We went the morning of the day we were to leave, got home at 2:00, and I had two and a half hours to pack all our suitcases, plus all necessary travel accompaniments, and load it in the van before John arrived home.

I flapped my wings and then some! Plus, I left a sinkful of dirty dishes behind, which I never do, and we came home to a sloppy house.

There. Now you know my not-so-secret.

(And I feel like this is some Twilight Zone blog interlude- Confessions of the Housewives.)