
Mini Mother

She's irresistible.
Yesterday, I was reading on the couch and looked down to see this.

(And by "looked down," I mean, "looked down, walked over to the shelf, picked up and turned on the camera, took a picture, laughed, kissed her, and then went back to my book, leaving her on the floor.")


Liana said...

she & her doll are both too sweet.

Rebecca said...

sweetness! That doll is just perfect for her-they look like twins. I always marvel over that when I see a picture of them both!

Griffen said...

That dolly does actually look like it could be her child. I like the floofy red twin mops... and the look of sheer pride on the little mommy's face.

heidiann(e) said...

so cute.

Michelle said...

That is so sweet! I look forward to seeing moments like that with Rachel. She has a few dolls and all I see right now is them flying through the air, courtesy of her older brothers. Thankfully, they don't do that to HER! :D

Abigail said...

Just wait until they discover the fact that they CAN do that to Rachel. Just you wait.