
Piper's First Picnic

Bright streams electric enlivened our limbs, thanks to the packs that Grandma O. left behind. Annika justified it by saying, "Soda is kind of healthy, right, Mom?"

Nope, but it made our picnic fancy!

The Great Butterfly Chase begins.

And then it ends.

Millie thinks the common sulfur butterflies like these patches of grass because they're disguised perfectly within them. See the white spot on the fence? "That's no spot," she says, "it's a butterfly!"

That's no Millie. It's a bear in the bushes!

Just like before.

Except now, she rides like a pro.

Before we walked over to the crick, they tried their best to be swingers of birches with the apple tree on hand.

And Susannah honored me with gnarly globes too early and tart to eat.

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