

Babies are better than sleeping pills.  I'm out within minutes.



heidiann(e) said...

These two photos are so wonderful.
Such sweet snuggles.

Who is your talented (and sneaky) photographer? I'm guessing it's a proudly grinning papa.

Abigail said...

No, alas, the man was off at work (boo!). I think Annie or Susie took them after I abruptly stopped reading history to the girls, told them to set the timer for 15 minutes, and immediately fell into exhausted sleep.

Full of Grace said...


Abigail said...

Hey, we're commenting at the same time! It must be naptime there, too. :)

Now if only we could hop through the screen, you'd get a chance to hold the babe!

Rebecca said...

You are an elegant sleeper.

And that is a picture for the bedroom wall.

Abigail said...

Ha! It was probably a split-second later that the drool started pooling.