

The last of the garlic scapes.

For you with Manwaring blood: a picture of Grandpa and Aunt Shirley that I scanned for Andy.

Grandpa's barn burning down.  (The horror of this hits me harder as an adult looking at a photograph than it did when it actually happened.)

Millie took this picture of eggs in her hand.  (Obviously, the rooster laid the one on the left, a pigeon the one on the right.)

Early morning with Zekie-Bear.

Two five-dollar boxes of peaches stored up for winter.

Not nearly enough garlic  (there never is).

The face...of a boy who was found sweeping up a pile of sugar.  Perhaps you'd better not ask what he was doing with an open canister of sugar.

The face...of a girl enjoying the only chicks our hens have hatched out in a couple of years.

A diminutive note I found on the floor-- "get you're pockets full of apples (try sneaking and hurry.)"  My apologies for the straight-from-weed-pulling dirty fingernails.

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