
Banana Phone

Our household is so technologically-oriented that even the two year old has his own phone.

He uses it for business, mostly.


Abigail said...

p.s. For anyone who noticed the gigantic box of baking soda behind Aidan's head, I keep it there always, because it's handy to snuff out fires in the kitchen, and I ALWAYS starts fires in the kitchen.

p.p.s. If you, too, are an accidental arsonist (I know, an impossibility), may I recommend these gigantic boxes of baking soda?

Abigail said...

Yes, I does. I always does starts mine fires in mine kitchen...

Full of Grace said...

aww.. he's such a cutie!

sarah said...

Fires! I use baking soda for stink, which I always have going in seven or eight places around here.

Abigail said...

HA! I think our stink has progressed to the point where I don't even bother any more. You know, the straw that broke the camel's olfactory sense and all that...