
The deceased. May they rest in peace.


Rebecca said...

You had me scared for a minute there!

Abigail said...

Nasty Abigail.

Anonymous said...

Ug. That looks sad. And a little depressing.

Michelle said...

What is up with that?! I have seen people not put their carts back into the stall in the lots, but this is a new one!

Abigail said...

It was funny and sad and bleak, all rolled into one, to see the discards. America, oh, America.

(Michelle, I think some Depew hooligans had a night on the town. No cows to tip, but grocery carts are in abundance.)

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

I hope you don't think this is a wild superlative but that picture is worth submission to some sort of publication.

It has class, ennui, poetry and an odd ounce of triumph to it

Griffen said...

Have you ever felt like doing this to one that has an especially uncooperative front wheel?

Matt said...

I trust that you taught your children the importance of proper christian burial, even if it's for wayward shopping carts.

Abigail said...

I only would think it was a wild superlative if you hadn't phrased your remark so vaguely. "Some sort of publication" allows a broad range, maybe even a home-printed family newsletter.

I hadn't thought of that....

Of course! Who do you think dragged these carts out of the water after she snapped the picture and buried them ten feet deep in the silt beside the river. Only doing my Christian duty, officer, really!

Abigail said...

oh, and I should apologize to the Depew hooligans, too.

This atrocity was committed by old ladies, driven to fury by squeaking, uncooperative, front wheels. :)