
Millie was loath to part when bedtime came, saying, "He is my best friend, Mama, and I love him forever. He is so cute." I was still nursing Susannah, so I told Millie to put him on top of the garbage can in a tissue until I could return him to his outdoor home. I forgot about him until 1:45 in the morning, at which point I pawed through our garbage to find him at the bottom. The happy ending is that I gently transplanted him to a safer habitat.

1 comment :

Griffen said...

What I love most about the fact that you and I posted pictures of inch worms on the same day, is that the little hands hosting the green creatures were both covered in marker. Some believe a good mother always keeps her child squeeky clean, but I believe that a happy child always has a trace of marker somewhere. I lifted Griff's shirt for a bath last week and found a mellon-sized purple splotch. I believe the entire marker bled out on his belly. I scrubed him clean to give him a fresh palette.