
The girls preparing for a wedding. Cassie-- the Bride-- is on the far left. Millie was the groom, which necessitated (for reasons unknown to my adult brain) that she keep her arms inside the Snow White dress at all times. Thanks to Grandma Owen for the pretties. ALL the girls love them!


Rebecca said...

As if your home wasn't fun and energetic enough before, NOW the fun has DOUBLED. It must be so great having full-time playmates at every turn! :-)

heidiann(e) said...

i will pass this information to my groom-to-be. we thought he'd wear a brown shirt, but maybe the armless snow-white is more appropriate.

Abigail said...

the girls, particularly Millie and Candida, have nearly daily tiffs with each other that they discard at a moment's notice.

From "Goooodbye, I love you! I'll miss you!" as one drives away to "I'm never ever going to be your friend ever again" to "Oh! Look at the kitten!" in a matter of minutes. It's fun to watch.

Please let the Squirrel know that Millie would gladly share her dress. (He has to follow the GROOMS HAVE NO ARMS! rule even if he ends up choosing the less showy brown shirt, though.)