
I sneakily took this picture because they looked like they were posing as a rock band. Mercy is holding Millie's new doll from Deirdre.


Anonymous said...

Deirdre has recently gone on baby kick. Last Christmas one of her aunts gave her two matching babies, one dressed in purple and one dressed in pink. For a while these babies weren't properly named, as they were called something different every week (sometimes the pair was referred to as "Temmy and Wockwan" [Teman and Lachlan]--which is rather peculiar for pink and purple dolls, but there you have it).

Now they are quite firmly named as (drum-roll please): Pink and Purple. She carries them around everywhere, and tries to convince people that they want to hold them and kiss them.

They have both recently had birthdays, and turned two.

Purple got a fancy pink dress for her birthday.

Now she has two matching baby dolls. Pink wears pink. Purple wears pink. Deirdre can tell them apart, because "Purple needs to take naps more often."

Deirdre has way. too. many. dolls. She inheireted all my dolls, all Cadie's dolls, and has gotten two or three more dolls every birthday, Christmas, and garage sale since she was born. (Grandma loves dolls. And after 5 boys, everyone in the world wanted to buy girl things for Deirdre.) I had hoped Deirdre would bring a whole bucketful of dolls to Millie's party, and then actually have room on her own bed for sleeping on. (And Millie could try to figure out how to go to sleep with mulitple sets of quintuplits.)

Alas, she only gave Mille two. . .

Abigail said...

I told John that you should start a Deirdre blog in order to share even more of these amusing anecdotes. (Of course Purple needs to take naps more often!)

I am glad that she only parted with two of her dolls, as it already seems as if our basket of dolls/stuffed toys is overfull! Deirdre's doll, however, has been given a place of honor on the bed.

Anonymous said...

Titi actually could do that on the family blog/website. Nobody seems to find the time to post there, often, however.

sarah said...

sepulveda has some competition. three girl bands are not so common.

Abigail said...

you just wait, sepulveda.
look on these three, and know that your time of reckoning has come....