
Good Things.

This morning:
The husky breathing of a satisfied baby
curled against me with her belly filled warm.

This afternoon:
Two girls who giggled so loud while blowing bubbles outside that I unwittingly grinned in the midst of grumpy-mama-bear chores.

A husband-friend who sleeps soundly on the couch to keep me company.
An open window as I stand guard at the kitchen stove.
The even regularity of rainsound.
The feel of fitful breezes.
Canning juicy peaches at midnight.
Sticky sweetness running from my fingers to my elbows.


Grace said...

Good things indeed.
Sweet photography.

Anonymous said...

Nice poem.

Where do you get the peaches?

Kelly said...

It all sounds sweet! Especially those peaches!

Love all the pics! Oh and Happy Belated Birthday to Millie!!!

I finally got a blogger!

Abigail said...

Thanks, Gracie.

Not to be a nitpicker, but I didn't intend for this post to be a poem. Hey, I was an English major! :) I read through too many sloppy wordstrings classified as free verse "poems" in college (my own included) and in my one-year stint teaching high school that I try to steer clear of such now.
I snip the length of the lines because I like the visual appearance of it better, even though I'm writing straight prose. Poetic prose?

We got our peaches from my Uncle David (Popsy's brother-in-law). He's a truck-driver, and he can scout out peachstands for us. We pay him for the peaches, but, regrettably, he receives no commission. (Even more regrettably, these peaches don't grow in our own backyard.)

They were sweet... What's even stranger than two people who met once meeting unexpectedly two years later is that they can then peek into each other's lives via blogland. Who would've imagined this way of getting to know one another 50 years ago?

Grace said...


Anonymous said...

Abby, you can be nitpicky :)

My father earned a Master's in English and also has particular opinions about what qualifies as poetry.

To make you happy we can call your little activity "the artistic arrangement of short lines of text."

Or should we call it versifying?

Abigail said...

Phew. I'm glad I haven't lost your readership over this little incident.