
We spent John's birthday in Ithaca, sightseeing in the comic shop, toy store, and bookstores. Here's one of many.


Michelle P said...

you know, from this angle, it kind of looks like john has a fountain top pony tail....sort of like the kind a sumo wrestler has...and in fact he's even posed like one...i bet he secretly is a sumo wrestler, and he is only posing to read a book. really, he's ready to take action on his next unsuspecting opponent!... (or maybe, possibly, it's the wine).

Rebecca said...

That is so cute. Annika's book must have gotten to a 'mushy' part.

Abigail said...

Belle Michelle,

She was reading the board book adaptation of The Sound of Music. :)

Abigail said...

Michi Rohana,
I certainly hope the wine isn't part of the night shift routine for you nurses...if so, remind me when NOT to have an emergency visit to the hospital.