
Kaleidoscope one.


Anonymous said...

Yum. Beneath the cream and berries and crust, what kind of pie is that?

Liana said...

Have you ever thought of moving to Wellsville, NY?
Again - you amaze me! These kaleidoscopes are very pleasing to the eye!

Anonymous said...


Because of the house that I live in I am accustomed to seeing deliciousness dishes. Familiarity breeding contempt and all that…

But even a jaded fellow such as myself really, really, wants some of that pie. At least, that is what my eyes think.

Anonymous said...

Hah! You lured the reclusive Teman out of hiding with your baking. (Also, I have recieved several admonishments that I ought to make what ever that "really good looking dessert that Abby made". . .so. . .can you post a recipe on Buildabelly?

Abigail said...

Nope, never thought of living in Wellsville before. But, thanks for the offer!

All you hungry Purdys,
I hate to disappoint, but these are fruit pizzas, not pies. I had no pizza pans until I borrowed a few from Becky (who's so conveniently close by), and so I used pie plates instead. They're still yummy, though, even though they aren't pies! I'll let you know when the recipe is posted. (Titi, I knew the surefire way to get The Recluse to comment was through food...)