
Joel, John, and Luke playing No Thanks, with Carcassonne on deck.


Griffen said...

THAT'S how you spell it!!

I mentioned this game on someone elses blog, and butchered the name.
I love this game (have you heard of the Christian version? "The Ark of the covenant"? The only difference is that there is an "ark" that moves around the board and "blesses" any player that it passes along the way... by giving points. Good times.)

Abigail said...

I heard about it on one of the board game podcasts that John listens to whenever he's taking over my kitchen duties. It's kind of weird, though. Most Christian-themed board games are notorious in their wretchedness, so maybe piggybacking on a successful game is smart. (Plus, Protestants can avoid those monasteries...)

Rebecca said...

Are those cookie sugar sprinkles on the table? Maybe 'brain food?'

Abigail said...

They're chits that belong to the game "No Thanks." (At least, they are if you're talking about the red things...)