
What's funny is that John packed up several games to bring from our closet, and almost all of them came home unplayed, despite the nearly nonstop game playing throughout the day.


Rebecca said...

I love games.

Matt and I can't claim any of the intriguing sort that you and John own, however, we have just recently started playing games again. (Stress burdens lifted actually allow for some fun these days...)

I have kicked his tail twice at Monopoly (BAD!) and should probably stop soon or we won't play it anymore. Three years ago I whooped him good and he refused to play with me for three years... I should be careful. :-)

Abigail said...

Way to go! Now you've ensured that you won't play games for the next three years. Tell Matt to come visit Campville. We've got some games that we'll let him win for the trade-off of his company.