
In the Beginning

In June (yes, June), we were visiting our Owen family. Remember, I put up a blog post? Anyway, while there, we hung with some cool Roman dudes who were chilling on the lawn.

And we browsed through a bookstore (which, to those who know us, is a given).


Titi said...

You have to love the way the Roman dude is putting up with Annika's antics. He looks very long suffering.

The top shot reminds me of my book on victorian lace knitting. I think I showed it to you once. . .all those float shawls photographed in old-english gardens?

Abigail said...

I love that book, if I'm remembering the right one.

And Roman dudes are long-suffering, except when it concerns slaves or Christians and the like...

DaniRizzo said...

I do, I do, I do check your blog & am so happy to find an update!