
When He Saw She was a Grownup

...he gnashed the little pearls at her.

These snapshots are certainly outdated.  I took these on the occasion of Annika losing her first front tooth, when, presently, she has both front teeth nearly sprouted in completely, as well as numerous other gaps filling in overnight with larger teeth.


She'll walk into the kitchen and say, "Look at my BIG teeth." before flashing a grimace crowned with teeth in frightening disproportion to her tiny head.  Also, since I told her that Millie had a gap between her front teeth until the others pushed them together and that people have been known to whistle using the gap between two front teeth, I will occasionally hear an unheralded, nearly soundless, "..phhhweet..." as she hopefully tests out the space.  No luck yet.  


Oh, yes, because a Bird kept flitting into the frame, I include these out of the largesse of my jolly heart.

Sometimes I have to remind them, in terms almost threatening, "You girls ARE each other's best friends!"  and, sometimes, they fall into it naturally with no need of motherly force.


By gum, I'll miss these days.  I bet someday, they will, too.  



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