


John's friend Candy Ben is pretty awesome.  He's been nothing but kind and gracious to our family since I first met him, and the latest in a string of gifts was a repeat invitation to pick in his great-uncle's berry patch.  It's a huge, family patch perched in the wind and sun on top of a green hill, with  long rows of bushes hanging heavy with berries.

We drove home with buckets brimful, and thanks to Ben's thoughtfulness, his great-uncle's generosity, and my berry-plucking family, we were able to put up many quarts for the winter.  


There was even space leftover to snitch a few.


Rebecca said...

Candy Ben just has to be sweet with a name like that.

I am curious though- how come you can accept HIS berries but not OUR breakfast. Hmmmmm?

Abigail said...

If you change your name to "Candy Rebecca," I'll reconsider the breakfast proposal. :) (It's all in a name.)