
But Still We Stammer On

View from our lawn last month: Photo by my sister Becky

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Amen and amen.

In our hodge-podge home, surrounded by the abundance God gives through John's paycheck and the giving hands of others, for these necessities, and, still more often, the unnecessary, I am thankful-- for all that fills our bellies, covers our backs, and shelters our heads; for spices and seasonings, meat and grains, fruits and vegetables, and for sweets; for what trundles us through puddles and over snowy roads; for the sky aflame which silenced me last night; for sunlight slanting in through the window to glorify dust motes and warm my feet; for family close and far; for my Heart and for the children lent to us; for the capacities to delight in and endure life and memories; for our just but merciful, loving God; for these and all else unsaid,
I give thanks.

I hope your Thanksgivings were blessed in whichever place you gave thanks. God is so good. (Follow November's archives for the overload of snapshots in its entirety.)


Liana said...

What a BEAUTIFUL picture from your lawn. Is that your house? Either way, it's lovely!

Griffen said...

What a loving Father we have. Happy Thanksgiving, with so much thanks to give.

Full of Grace said...

This is a postcard photo- very pretty! :)

Abigail said...

Nope, this is a barn/shed belonging to one of our neighbors. Our house is peeling painted white and a bit decrepit, but no less loved. Beck took this from the corner of the back lawn after she came in to chat and I drew her attention to the fabulous view from my window. I think it's an incredible picture, and it puts snapshots to shame.

Abigail said...

That's shotsnaps...

Rebecca said...

It is a gorgeous shot.

Happy Thanksgiving!