
Millie, in her words, chopped my head off. And now that I see how ridiculous I look in this midget's jacket I got at the last rummage bag sale, it's going into the Fabulous Finds pile.


Anonymous said...

I think that jacket looks super cute. You're totally in style! Don't get rid of it.

Liana said...

I'm laughing so hard right now, because your words make me hear your voice!

Keep the red boots though, Abby - those are great! (and match the nice belt!)

Anonymous said...

NO WAY!!! Not the Fabulous Finds pile!! I'm going out to find my own midget's jacket today, that's how totally fashionista you are!!!!

w. said...

i think you look great. (although your head does of course add an important element to any get-up). and what a great belt! and red shoes!

Abigail said...

Too late! The jacket's folded on top of the pile as I type, and it's staying there. I've always thought shrunken clothes were funny, and after testing this jacket out, I've decided I'm not hip enough to change my mind. (Besides, as anyone can see, it doesn't fit-- my arms hang out!)

Holly Zerbe gave me the wonderful shoes 3 years ago. (Keeping them, no question.) Belt purchased at rummage sale 3 years ago. Keeping it. Head given by God 28 years ago. Keeping it (for now).

And now that you're all up-to-date on my fashion status, sleep well.