
Full of Joy...and Ham

John had to work on Easter afternoon, so we arrived home to ham in the crockpot. Yessirree! CROCKPOT HAM! It surprised us by being delicious, and I've thoughtfully placed the recipe on buildabelly so Mr. Newman can prepare it for his family next year. (You can thank me later, Rebecca.)

Basket-hunting was delayed until after the feast. Susannah, still with ringlets, gamely searched all over the yard for her basket. She's horrible at this sort of hunt. We finally told her it was on the porch, and she still couldn't find it.

We even prompted, "Look UP! Your basket is ABOVE you!" She still had no luck. Finally Annie showed it to her, and she was as delighted as if she'd...(interjection--Millie's been reading this as I type, and where the dots are, she shouted, "Shot a whole HERD of bears!!!"). So, yes, she was as delighted as if she'd shot a whole herd of bears. (Millie again: "OR antelope.")

Annie sought her own basket and eventually found it, with much triumph.

Poor Millie just couldn't find hers, but not for lack of trying. The funny thing is that she walked right past it while Annie shouted and pointed at it (see her arm above?)

The telescope didn't even seem to help.

As John was getting in the car to leave for work, he gave her a hint, "It wasn't an Easter Bunny who hid your basket; it was an Easter Squirrel." She immediately burst into laughter and ran toward the tree...

only to climb up the ladder and discover that she was too short to reach the basket.

So the Easter Squirrel scampered up to retrieve it for her and to take a picture. She's lame like that.


cadie said...

I love Susannah's clueless-ness and Annika's triumph. I love Millie trying to use her telescope. (It ought to help, don't you think?) And that's a GREAT one you caught of John and Millie, all the more funny that she immediately understood what he meant. I like the one of the girls looking up at you as you get the basket. (What an accommodating, and nimble, Easter Squirrel you are!)

Laura said...

The Easter Squirrel Picture is my all time favorite. How precious the love between a daddy and his little girl!

Liana said...

I, too, just love the picture of John & Millie.