
Poof. Kind of.

We lit the three side cannons (with re-lighting candles),

the clown by the treasure chest,

and the clown walking the plank.

It's okay. If the fire hadn't gotten him, the sea serpent would have.


Michelle P said...

I don't know who you're trying to fool Abby; you have me impressed! Re-lighting candles coming out of the cannons? Who says you're not crafty?! I'd say you're a crafty genius!! I love the cake!

Abigail said...

I completely stole that idea! In desperation, I googled "pirate cake." I didn't find instructions anywhere, but I DID find a picture of a cake with candles stuck into tootsie roll cannons. I had no tootsie rolls, so the beads had to suffice.

Crafty? No.
Copycat? Yes.

(But thanks for your support, anyway!)