
Aren't You Glad Norman Rockwell's Dead?

The day before Thanksgiving was brimful of good cheer, peace, harmony, and hard-working girls. Early on, that is...

Annika scooped pumpkin seeds while Luci brushed her hair.

Susannah showed off her slicing skills.

Piper broke bread.

Everyone laughed as they made a quadruple batch of stuffing for the turkey. (Don't judge me. I'm a stuffing-lover.)

Even Lucinda helped.

She even joined me in eye-burning misery

as I chopped onions.

Normon Rockwell would have rushed to find his brushes if he'd looked in the windows. By that afternoon, though, I was tired, overwhelmed, and grouchy, and right before bed, the girls looked like this.

Bring it, Rockwell.


Molly said...

I laughed out loud at this last photo! How appropriate for a long day of holiday preparation!!! Yes, Norman Rockwell would be all over this. I am loving Luci's fashion detail of the jammie-tutu. She may have a future inspiration here for all young girls:-) P.S. I LOVE stuffing too! And, did you make those beautiful bread loaves? I need your recipes.

Much love.

Abigail said...

The bread was from our weekly load of free carbohydrates, but if you're looking for a great and easy recipe for artisan bread, try this or this. (Both of these do require aging the dough a bit, but the recipe in the first article yields dough for continuous batches, which improves the flavor yet more.)

Farmgirl said...

Ok, you may never be able to believe this, but I just read this post AFTER the last comment about your Norman Rockwellesque photo... ha ha ha... very fun! Love the pictures!

Abigail said...

Boy, perhaps I was rash in my sarcastic comments about these images fitting into the Norman Rockwell canon. I thought you were just following the general theme! :)

Griffen said...

WOW. Now that is some serious baking.