
For Titi, to Whom I Will Send an Email (Tomorrow?)

What on earth happened to Pip?

Three weeks ago, she fell down (the full length of stairs) and broke her crown (10 stitches on the outside and about that many on the inside, too).

She's fine, though, and is the bravest trooper I ever did see.



Titi said...


See what happens when I don't come by for a few weeks? Your children just fall to pieces!

Glad she is trooping on. Those scalp wounds bleed a lot, don't they? :(

Abigail said...

Just imagine how hale and hearty they'd be with weekly visits!

This didn't actually bleed as much as more superficial cuts usually do, which is why it was easy to immediately see she'd need stitches. It's diagonal to her eyebrow and stretches above it, and it went down about as deep as it could in the muscle area. No blood on the carpet. Yippee, right? ;)

Abigail said...

"...easy to see..."

The comparatively small amount of blood allowed us to actually see the cut.

(I need to improve my wording.)