
Apple Brothers

Dude and Mom Owen came to visit us in October, and we went to a local apple farm for their upstate apple fix, which entailed, naturally, our yearly run through the haunted barn.  (Pip ran faster than others.)


The younger girls were stymied by this funny guy (who was immensely more frightening than anything in the free haunted barn he's hawking).


The bigger girls, however, showed them just how to treat such a gent.


Tweak his nose.  That's right.  Tweak his nose!


Luci's a quick learner.

Pip found a large version of Stinker.


Everyone else had to settle for the remains.


They also fulfilled expectations by feeding the animals.


  We didn't shell out any money for the grain sold inside the market, because, as you can see, the critters were surrounded by lush, green grass.


Clearly excited to be fed such a rare delicacy, they tried to scale the fence.

My girls made it their mission to nurture the starving beasties.



Afterward, Dude and Mom O. treated us to greasy food.  Yummy grease and pirates! Who could ask for anything more?  


With just a smidge of Little Dude with Big Dude, the weekend was perfect.


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