
Ninety and Nine

Rejoice with me, for I have found my skunk which was lost!

We discovered Stinker's absence when Mousey had to stand in as hospital bedfellow. Long months lined up, and after scouring the house a few times, I gave him up for lost.

Enter Adelé.

(Remember her?)

Without realizing what a gem she'd dug up, Adelé pulled Stinker forth from the nether regions of a diaper changing dresser at church.  Piper was over the moon, and the next day she didn't let go of him for a second.

Hunting skunks. That, my readers, is true friendship.
So, thank you, Adelé. (Once again, we wish to steal you for our own.)


Titi said...

Piper is mine.

(I'm such a creepy blog-reader)

Abigail said...

(You said it first...)

Titi said...

I did, didn't I? lol. Somehow Piper pulls on a part of me no one else does.

Rebecca said...

You take even the most mundane, ordinary moments and make them brilliant.

You are an artist.

Deborah Purdy said...

I love her, too. In fact, I love 'em all.

Abigail said...

Mundane? ORDINARY?! Woman, did you not read the post? STINKER HAS BEEN FOUND!!!!! Your blessed daughter FOUND STINKER!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your kind words, but all I did was snap to capture the magic of this momentous occasion. :)

And, you, Miss Deborah-Johnson-Baby-Catnip, are loved in return.