
Almost Lost In the Cracks

I must have typed these quotes as a draft one day in order to put up a blog post, but I never did.

I don't remember anything about them, except I think they all occurred in a short space of time, making their potency increase.

Annie, wandering through the kitchen, muses softly to herself, "If I REALLY had a monkey tail, then I could use it as a lasso."

Also in the kitchen, Su looked at me thoughtfully and sweetly asked, "What would we do if we met Jesus?" As I tried to formulate a wise and truthful answer, Piper, just as thoughtfully and just as sweetly, topped Su's question with "What would we do if we met a talking robot?"

And, because I have no privacy, even (especially?) in the bathroom...
Me, not at all exasperated, "Who is it?"
Annie: "Annie, may I please come in?"
Susie, a split second later: "Susie, may I please come in?"
Piper, a split second after that: "Pip, may I please come in?"
Me, with perfect goodness and gentleness, still not at all exasperated, "I'll be out in just a minute."
Annie: "Good.  Because we need to fill up the chicken jugs with water."
 Su, because she knows that's not enough to speed me out as quickly as they'd like:
"AND there's a ROBBER in the house!"

Nice try, babe.

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