
Excess? Naw.

I know, I know. Luci overload. Think how much better that is than a Luci Overlord, though. See?  Now you won't feel grumpy when you scroll through these repetitive pictures.

I took one last birthday picture of Luci happily playing in the sunroom.  Five minutes later, I returned to find The Stamp Pad Eater instead.

She was one happy Stamp Pad Eater, and she's lucky it was her birthday, otherwise standing still for a camera-happy mama would have been the least of her worries.

The twos aren't at all terrible.

They are, in fact, terrific!


Mary said...

What a cute stamp eater!

Sarah Tate said...

My two year old eats markers. And Luci overlord is hilarious. I am laughing and out loud, too over here. I love this post. I'v been spending my time reading your blog and comparing the ages of our children and wondering if Susannah is the only blue-eyed child you have. And thinking baout how glad you must be for Heidi! Me, too!

Abigail said...

1. I sometimes wonder if I keep stamp pads and markers in the house for the sole purpose of toddlers eating them.

2. Yes, Sue is our only blue-eyes. We have a blue, 3 brown, and a greenish-gold. I'm trying for violet with this next baby...

3. Heidi and Phil! Yes, so very happy for them and me and the world! They are wonderful people and will raise a magical child. Of that, I am sure.

Rebecca said...

Judah finds markers daily and eats them. The children draw-and then hastily put things away, inevitably leaving markers under tables-waiting to be devoured.

It has happened so frequently that I began chronicling it on the camera. I think I have eight different colors by now.

I am glad to know I am not the only one but not very glad to hear he may not grow out of it.

Abigail said...

I don't know if it ever ends.

Do you ever find Andrew be-markered? I think children keep indulging in marker eating all the way through childhood; they simply become wily enough to wash away the evidence.