
Science Fiction

On the morning of Luci's birthday, I boldly decided to twist the fabric of reality.  Instead of leaving her in double-layers of dingy fuzzies (footed jammies) for the day, as I normally do for warmth in our cold home, I dressed her like a cute two year old.  Also telling is the fact that I put her hair in pigtails- with ribbons!- an honor usually reserved for Mullet-head only when we go out and about (which, lately, has been non-existent.)

The Mullet approved.

Yes, indeed.

And to wrap things up with a bang, let no one ever again say that she looks nothing like me.


Mary said...

yes, you are in there, but John still wins!lol

Abigail said...

Her ears: they stick out
Her skin: it is white
And her chin? Oh, her sweet little chin! I see hope for a chinless wonder in this one... :)