
Davey Jones' Locker

John is the king of bringing home flowers at completely unexpected times but should never be relied upon to bring them home on Culturally Obligatory Buy This Or You Really Don't Love Someone Like You Ought To Occasions for Blooms, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or the dreadful V-day.

So, no, these weren't a token on V********'s Day but rather festooned our table on the Feast of the Three Hierarchs.  Basil!  John!  Gregory!

(Thanks for the roses, beloved Saint in the middle.)

I've found that a good way to prolong the life of older flowers whose heavy heads droop, shed petals, and threaten to fall off entirely is to set them adrift.  Between the trifle bowl and several smaller containers, the girls and I were able to enjoy these for a week beyond their normal demise.

Send them to a watery grave.  You won't regret it.

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