
Take Me Riding in the Car, Car...

This post is mostly for Dude and McGamma, so they can see the delight with which the girls consecrated the van during its inaugural week.  John took us to town and played chauffer as I ran errands, so I took a few of these pictures, and the girls took the rest (a hundred) as I waddled in and out of buildings. 

Piper's in the throes of painful delight here.

I gave her painkillers.

Sister delight.

Silly head delight.

Sober-face delight.

Sleepy delight.

Lip-plump delight.

Mama's delights.
(I took the picture, but Su gets all the credit for the wink and dimple.)

Annika was just given these (brand-new!) boots in a bag of hand-me-downs from the cousins down the road.  She requested I take a picture of them.

Sooo...boot delight.

Bookworm delight.

Wide, open spaces delight.

Uh-oh.  Piper's feeling painful delight again.

More sleepy delight.

Electronic delight. (Handsome man.)

Okay, so Millie isn't oozing any brand of delight here, but at least she's comfortable.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the limo-van.  I suppose this is as good a time as any to announce that since the van has so much extra space, we're having QUINTUPLETS in April!  Five cheers!


Liana said...

you always make me laugh.

Mary said...

More room for more ducklings! Well, then again you may not.lol