
The Pleasantest Thing Ever a Child Can Do

Posting summer pictures made me miss summer, posting fall pictures makes me miss fall; I wonder when I finally reach the winter pictures, if I'll also miss winter?  There's good packed inside each season.

Here's some of it:
Birdie.  Fall.  Swing.




Molly said...

All of the women in your family are beautiful and the men are handsome, as well:-)

Much love!

Titi said...

Don't tell Susannah-Bird this, lest it goes to her head, but she really could be a princess. There's the beauty, and the finely-honed skill of fainting spells, and somehow, under it all, the graciousness of realizing that although you're princess, there are other important things in the world and that requires kindness.

Abigail said...

The fainting proves it more than all else.

"OH! Faint..."

I've got to videotape it sometime on the sly.