
This Should Have Been a Circus Post

These snapshots were not supposed to exist.  Instead, you were to enjoy snapshots of circusy sparkle and glitz.  Thanks to a changed policy that turned down our free tickets for the evening show this year, though, instead of starry eyes, we had to settle for disappointing muscleman pictures next to the veteran's statue, 

(not as exciting as the elephants)

ogling a comically romantic couple on the footbridge, 

(not nearly as fun as the bareback riders)

a sloppy attempt to capture us walking,

(nowhere near as jaw-dropping as the man shooting out of a cannon)

 the girls walking on a wall,

(not as dangerous as the trapeze)

a mama with a headdress 

(not as glamorous as the circus ladies, but, to be fair, also more fully clothed)

and a troupe of clowns

(almost as good as the real thing).

At least there was a Deborah to make up for all we lacked on the circus front.

And blurry ice cream at 9:00 p.m.  That helped, too.

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