
Take Note, Robin Hood

The girls joined an 8-week archery course at a local church, and it became the highlight of the season, if not the year.  They enjoyed the social aspect, yes, but mostly bubbled over with the excitement of learning proper archery technique and getting a chance to shoot on fancy Genesis compound bows for a couple of hours each week. 

I brought my camera to the last lesson to grab a physical memory for them.  


Good follow-through!  (See-- I learned archery technique, too.)

The archery coaches were so kind to Lucinda and helped her through her initial confusion and discomfiture to this-- grinning every week.

Piper Joy.  She shot right-handed at first until the coach saw her shooting and told her she was a left-handed shooter like Luci, instead!  By the end of the course, she was shooting left-handed like a pro.

All the girls had achievements to crow about to Papa, and small candy prizes they pocketed each week.  The last week, they looked forward to a shooting competition-- one for the younger set and one for the older-- with McDonald's gift cards as prizes.

Wouldn't you know, little Lu won the gift card for the younger group,

and Millie and Annika were the last two left standing in the older group.

They tied scores twice, and their shootout had a shootout, until Annika came out on top.  That's $20 of McDonald's sundaes we've got coming to us this winter, but even without that, it was well worth every last bit.

Only 3-day old Skylark, who came to watch the shoot-off with me, was unimpressed by it all.


Nanno said...

Congratulations to your girls in their archery skills! Good for them!

Abigail said...

They wish it was an 8-YEAR course :)