

When all the children are grown, I hope grandchildren exist to leave notes like this scattered around the house.  (It's almost identical to my to-do list, even down to the meeting to determine who is Master.)

She also builds houses with clothespins.

Aidan still has a minor obsession with mailmen. A mail-lady who covers the route once a week discovered this and made a special trip to our house to deliver Aidan a U.S.P.S. water bottle, a drawstring backpack, and this huge magnet (which was part of her welcome package when she began working as a carrier and which is supposed to go on the back of her mail carrier vehicle). That...or our refrigerator.

Early June-- a break from planting.

Oh, baby. You are wonderful.

Deirdre! We finally used the hair color that you gave us ages ago! Everyone got in on the fun, but Aidan's the one who looked most natural.

While the girls were away, the littler ones and I smeared goop all over their faces.

A few hours later, poor Aidan just looked like a sleeping bruise.

Susannah or Big Foot?  Who can say?

I found Cadence in the tub, fully clothed and diapered. She gave me this look so she wouldn't get into trouble.  It worked. 

I called Aidan so that I could tuck him in for a nap. I found him hiding here.  (It didn't work.)

Millie made balloon animals until the balloons were gone.

Toads all summer long...

I enjoyed the irony of our new window sitting in the background of these cheerful Iowa test takers.

At least Susannah gave them iced tea for nourishment.

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