
One More

Again by Madeleine L'Engle, a fitting companion to the one above.

Temper My Intemperance

Temper my intemperance, O Lord,
O hallowed, O adored,
my heart's creator, mighty, wild,
temper thy untempered child.
Blaze my eye and blast my ear,
let me never fear to fear,
nor forget what I have heard,
even your voice, my Lord.
Even your Word.


Full of Grace said...

This is a beautiful poem, and oh so true! Thank you for sharing it! :)

Griffen said...

I'm glad you posted this.
I stared at a blank screen for a long while trying to capture my reverence for Our Lord's death and ressurection, and the Easter that lives daily in my heart and mind, and in the end, decided I didn't have the words to do it justice.

This gets as close as anything might.