
Elephants on Parade

I knew Annika was awake when noisy trumpeting filtered down the stairway, and, doing all things neatly and in order, she put on her elephant costume after breakfast. Before I tucked her in for naptime, I asked if I could take a birthday picture of her standing by the sunny bathroom door, and she was happy to oblige. I took two dozen pictures in the next five minutes. She was full of happy exclamation and noise about her birthday, as well as funny faces, so it only seemed like two minutes.

I couldn't decide which of the many to post, so here's a bundle of elephants.


Michelle P said...

I never tire of nixie elephants! :) Happy 4th Birthday (I can't believe it--4!)!!

Michelle said...

A very happy belated birthday!!

Stephen turns 4 on the 11th. They're getting so BIG! :D