
The Placentally Fainthearted May Skip This

On the way home from my last midwife appointment yesterday, Annika was singing Buster's Song, which changed each time she sang it. Since we first knew of Buster, all the girls have loved to touch my belly, kiss Buster, and talk to him or her using my bellybutton as a conduit (though Millie wouldn't do it until Buster's ears had finally developed enough to hear; she saw no sense in her words falling on deaf ears, I suppose). Recently, they're getting even more excited to greet this baby, as are John and I. (As she sings below, "but den, her hadded to wait long.")

On Wednesday I went to a local hospital to have a Level II sonogram. After that, I had a "consultation" appointment with the area's go-to doctor for high-risk pregnancies. He was a roly-poly man with a soft, accented voice, and he'll deliver Buster if they have to perform a c-section before 36 weeks. This latest sonogram upgraded my placenta's placement to complete placenta previa, and I still have vasel previa (I think that's how he spelled it), which the doctor said, "Is veddy rare. We see it in books, but..." They're pretty certain that the blood vessels stretched across the side of my cervix are from the placenta and aren't attached to Buster directly, which is a very good thing, but the complete previa was a bit disheartening.

Yesterday, I had my last meeting with my midwife, who formally transferred me to the doctor who will deliver Buster if they perform a c-section at 36 weeks or after. I get to meet him next week, right before I have ANOTHER sonogram. Poor Buster's getting zapped all over the place, but this next sonogram is necessary to again check the amniotic fluid levels. Wednesday's sonogram showed that in the two weeks since my last sonogram, the fluid level had dropped by a third.

Sooo, this brings me to the last point of interest. The high-risk doctor and my midwife agreed that to help the amniotic fluid level and to avoid bleeding from the previa, I should be on bed rest. BED REST?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Sad, but true. When I gave her a look of utter consternation, she lightened her pronouncement of complete bed rest to "at the least modified bed rest," which I was glad about until she defined it. It sounds too much like complete bed rest to me, though I am allowed to make an occasional supper and, if I go stir-crazy, visit someone, provided I sit while I'm there. No grocery shopping, carrying laundry up the stairs (tho' I'm allowed to fold!), standing for long, walking about, enjoying spring, planting my garden-ARGH! MY GARDEN!--and such like strenuous activities. Today's been an exercise in trying to find a balance between the impossibility of bed rest and the wisdom of keeping Buster safely curled within, regrettably erring on the impossibility of bed rest.

Case in point: Within five minutes of arriving home from the appointment, I heard loud clanks and clunks. Three fisherman were trying their luck while leaning over the upstairs bookshelf.

I write wryly, but I do realize the importance of avoiding what could cause Buster to arrive sooner than anyone would like. I am eager to hold this baby, but not in an emergency scenario at the cost of Buster's health, so while the girls sleep, here I sit....blogging. And blogging... And, while I do that, I blog some more....

Request: please pray that I'm not an idiot, that I find that balance, and that I can subdue selfish desires to VACUUM and GARDEN and SEE THE WORLD for the sake of this dear baby.

Those of you who pray for Buster's continued health who also continue to pray with hope that the Lord work the unexpected with my misbehaving placenta, feel free to continue! Though I am preparing mentally and emotionally for a c-section, I, too, offer up prayers throughout the week that if Buster and I would be safe with a natural birth, and that if the Lord is willing, that He shift what seems to be most likely.

I know the God who created the universe with a word, who raised the sea in towering walls, and who tenderly knits Buster together as I type can do this more easily than I draw breath. I also know that He may, in His whole knowing and wisdom, choose not to do so, so I try to find the balance between a child's faith and preparing for what may be.

God is good, and though John and I already have such strong ties with this unborn child, Buster is much more God's than ours. He's the Shaper and the Keeper and, unsleeping, He watches over His own.


Anonymous said...

Well, I rather expected the order for bed-rest would be coming soon. Look at it on the bright side---they haven't ordered you into the hospital for constant supervision 24/7 where you won't even be able to do things like fold laundry---which is what they did to my Mom for a WHOLE month when the modified bed rest did not keep her from bleeding. (And she only had partial placenta previa!)

Doesn't it make you feel special when people say "veddy rare---we see it books, but. . ."---like you're some exotic bird that every bird-watcher is delighted to see?

I shall look at on the bright side, too---and hope that maybe all this sitting will mean more letters/emails coming my way. ;-) (I'm always such a trouble maker, aren't I?!)

I know that having a natural birth means a lot to you, but having become well acquainted with some of the risks of placenta previa---the mother bleeding to death and/or being unable to carry the baby to full term---with the potential loss of both mother and child---well, let's just say this brings back lots of memories of praying that Deirdre's lungs would be fully developed. I hope that modified best rest is the greatest of struggles you will have to face through the remainder of this pregnancy, and continue to pray that both you and buster would be safely delivered through it all.

I'm at my grandparents now, and I'm supposed to be making supper and mopping floors and cleaning bathrooms---so I guess I had better stop writing and get to work. See you next week!

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to here about the orders for bed rest. How many months will you have to live with this?

I will certainly keep praying for you.

Michelle P said...

Oh, I wish I could come visit the bed-ridden momma!...with lots of goodies to help plump those arms. ;)
Sorry to hear that it has come to this, I'm sure it must be prety difficult with 3 fishermen on the loose! I also pray that this is the hardest part of pregnancy remaining for you, and that Buster with arrive safe & healthy!

Michelle P said...

I hate it when I notice that I misspelled something and blogger won't let me edit my comment. :( All apologies to the English major.

Full of Grace said...

Ach Abby, I'm so sorry about the latest news! Believe you me, I can definately relate to being told I need to be put on bedrest, which thankfully hasn't happened as of yet!
Take it easy (as best you can mind you) and PLEASE keep us posted, now that you can sit more often :)

Do you get a new picture of buster each time you get an ultrasound- the good part is if you do, you'll have almost an album full of pre-birth pictures :)

Have you picked out names for this precious bundle yet, or are you still up in the air?

Praying for you For Sure!!! :)

Rebecca said...

Abby~ I am just SO sorry to hear this. Mainly, because I know how you are and how difficult it will be for you to complete this dreaded task. You have such an admirable heart and such unending trust. I couldn't have repeated that last paragraph myself without bawling, and it seems, I couldn't read it without doing so either.

I think I owe you a letter....

sarah said...

praying, and praying. with lots of love sent your way.

Sarah said...

That was perfect; and to think, unless you were put in this troubling & trying time, you would have never written those words.

Michelle said...

Praying for you Abby. I give a loud guffaw to those who tell a mama of little ones to be on bed rest!

The last paragraph you wrote is so true.

I wish I were closer to come over and help you more. Is there anyone helping you? Is Becky able to? (I know she's busy, too!)

Liana said...

praying for you & the little one within...

heidiann(e) said...

my prayers join with the others.
and my love.
and i love the baby Buster song

Griffen said...

If I couldn't post a comment tonight (after three nights in a row of trying to get your page to load far-enough-along to get my words up here with the others) I had planned to send an email (remember that archaic thing?!) And then, tonight, it's all rocket fast!
I wanted to say that I, too, am sorry you'll be bed-bound. That I too am glad for any orders that ensure Buster's safe-passage. That I too wonder how you'll manage to coach your team from the side-lines 'til then, but that I hear in your screen spoken voice a real strength that is as it should be: full of faith and full of peace. I will be praying praying praying... but look how close to 30weeks you are, and while we pray you through 40, we know that each passing day means that babe has grown bigger and brighter and more ready for this world... many members of which already love it, and can't wait to see it join your family!

Many prayers from now until then...

w. said...

It was a treat to see you, and my prayers join as well...

Abigail said...

If there are no complications before then, and the vasa previa and/or placenta previa doesn't change, I have about nine weeks. If there are problems before then, an earlier c-section would be necessary.

Yup! Pictures of cute, little Buster every time, though I wish these sonograms weren't necessary. It's the only way they can assess me at this point.

No names yet. We usually draw up a list a few weeks before the due date and then name the baby after we meet her (or him!).

I would never have noticed if you hadn't brought attention to it. I was compelled to read your comment slooowly and caaarefully to even discover what you referred to!

Michelle M.,
Becky just had her baby tonight! 'Nuff said. :) So many people have graciously and immediately offered help, even our church friends who live an hour and a half away, so if I need it, there are hands ready to help, for which I'm grateful.

Thank you all again and again for those prayers. I am grateful for them!