

I was kneading bread on the table and saw this. The obliging girl kept gnawing while I fetched the camera. Teething?

In case you're wondering, she'd had her pre-church bath a mere 12 hours before.

But then Millie made this for breakfast.


Griffen said...

Has your gopher paid a visit to the isles of east africa recently? I have two nice, deep gopher teeth grooves on my coffee table... they like teak here.

Abigail said...

The best part is that I didn't even know gophers liked wood! After the fact, I almost changed the title to a more appropriate animal, but I was too lazy. Your comment is affirming.

And, no, MY gopher hasn't been to your island. At least, not that I know of, and if she went without taking me along, I'd throw a fit!

Rebecca said...

gophers and woodchucks are the same animal no?

cutest one I have seen.

Abigail said...

Woodchucks and groundhogs are the same animal, but gophers are a different animal entirely (not that it matters).

Gophers are about the size of a rat, though, so I think Luci must be a hearty-sized beaver, instead.