
When Faces Called Flowers Float Out of the Ground

I offer no excuse for the following excess* save this. I was upstairs, about to put Pip to bed, when I tripped over the enormous hair clip that even looks ridiculous on my (slightly) larger head. My mistake lay in slipping it behind her ear and immediately becoming stricken with her cuteness. I did eventually tuck her in, but not before herding her outside and chatting about chickens.

In case you ever have one, this is the way to take pictures of a little Pip on her third birthday, right before a nap. Let her watch the chickens, laugh at them, and talk about them, all while an enormous flower swallows her head.

*There were even more (believe it), which I deleted after loading because I'm probably the only one who'd want more than ten redundant snaps of a birthday Bloom.


Cadie said...

How can she be three already?? I remember her as a baby, and missed her toddler-hood. She's super cute!

Titi said...

well. . .maybe I will.

Abigail said...

If I've told you once, I've told you a million times!

Rebecca said...

enormous head-swallowing flowers rock.

That first picture does too.