
Were I but Free, I'd Take a Flight

The girls have flown kites without me. They've flown kites without a deep blue sky and in fields unsprinkled with buttercups and wild pinks.

This time was different, and I remembered my camera.

Piper flew for a bit and flopped for a bit longer.

They flew in tandem.

They soared solo.

They flew from the comfort of a "nest."

They flew with a short leash

and with a long tail.

They left with a holler and a whoop.

With a tidy winding string.

With the end of a good thing.

I was ten again with a turn in the nest, and Millie approved.


Griffen said...

These are all amazing shots, but that one of Susanna from, presumably, your back on the grass, is magic.

Abigail said...


I was kneeling, but the grass was too inviting. After that, I spent most of the time lounging.

Rebecca said...

beautiful day! We got our kite out the other day and it flew up in the air and immediately the string snapped of dryrot.

I love the picture the above commenter commented on, and also the first black and white.

Wide open spaces. *sigh*

Abigail said...

I know how to remedy your sighing for wide, open spaces. Really, I do!

You wanna hear it?!