
Real Time

After a visit to Long Island, we're back to h'learning, which, tinged as it is with post-holiday weariness, is off to a bumpy start.  When I asked Zeke to find our current read-aloud (Happy Times in Noisy Village), one of the girls said that we should name ourselves something.

The first idea I had was Chaotic Corner, but immediately after that suggestion, Millie piped up with "Hooligan Hill Homeschool" which most of us have decided is the perfect name.  (The better among us, however, have reservations...)

So, all of you classical homeschools with fancy names, chock full of literary allusions, or, at least, evoking images of tidy places where tidy children sharpen their intellect without a hitch, take that!

Here we sit, eating candy together, on Hooligan Hill, at least until a better name comes along.


Anonymous said...

I bet if you asked your children they wouldn’t change a thing. That must be an awesome experience to be homeschooled and to homeschool. God Bless Amelia C.

Abigail said...

We do think so! There are certainly days more "lively" than others, though. :)

Rebecca said...

I wish I would have thought of it! It's a perfect name!

Rebecca said...

But may I suggest one small change?

Hooligan Hill H'learning


Abigail said...

Perfect! IF h'learning occurs, that is...