
Real Time-- A Real Good Time

Just now:
I'm neglecting my children by sewing in the living room as they finish their supper. In response to the constant dancing/jigging/singing by Susannah instead of the unsupervised eating in which she's supposed to be angelically engaged, I yell (not angrily, but loudly), "Susannah! Sit down and eat your supper! You're being a Naughty-Pants!" at the exact moment that I hear a knock on our thin-walled door.

Millie opened the door to a UPS man and took the package while I stood hidden just inside the door, laughing.

Yes, Naughty Pants, I was laughing.
It was a shining moment for my arsenal of parenting vocabulary. What better ones do you have? I'm open to suggestions.

[I bet UPS persons have the funniest and most horrific stories tucked away.]


Unknown said...

I can't stop laughing...

alltheposts said...

My husband was a pizza delivery guy during high school. Boy does he have stories, most of them really disturbing!!

Sarah said...

One time I apologized to the fedex guy cause I caught my reflection in the glass pane of my front door and realized that I looked horribly ugly -- very very pregnant with naphead and crumbs trailing down my shirt.

Another time, just the other day ,I didn't know whether to scold or praise Haven for playing "Pope Benedict" -- a game that involves running around the house greeting everyone with a cheery, "Hi Pope Benedict!"

Sacreligeos? I don't know ... (I don't know how to spell it)... No, even the Holy Father would probably enjoy the game.

And then here's one that can't be attained unless you are the mother of only boys: Haven was trying to teach Gussie how to pee pee on the potty recently & Gussie stuck out his hand at just the right moment; I also walked in at just the right moment to scream: "Don't pee on your brother!"



Abigail said...

I can't WAIT to have me some boys! We should trade off for a week or two until I learn my lesson, hm?