
Parental Advisory

Christmas Eve Day was nutty. I was awake the previous night helping a croupy Susannah breathe after having been up the night before comforting a sick-bellied Nixie, so I had packed nothing for our trip to L.I.

Before John came home from work to stuff us in the van for vacation, the day went something like this. Cookies, truffles, cookies, truffles, peanut butter buckeyes, cookies, (oh, yeah) PACK!!!, butter frosting, (oh, yeah) PRESENTS!!!, pack, pack, pack, scurry like a rat, rat, rat, (oh, yeah) STOCKINGS!!!, and so on.

I found time to take three pictures. (But I forgot the bowl of butter frosting on the counter.)

Annie pretended to pack. which gave me small comfort.


Liana said...

i like the little hand reaching for the rolling pin...

cadie said...

ooh... not fun.
Deirdre gets it pretty bad now and then.

Abigail said...

Me, too!

And, ug. Tell me about it. It's one of my least favorite childer sickies.

Rebecca said...

you are superwoman. No doubt about it.

Abigail said...

Totally not true.

That was a Very Bad Day for Marthahood, and I returned to a sinkful of dirty dishes and a house of chaos.

Abigail said...

Nay, it was not a sinkful.


They were on every flat surface except the floor.