
The Quilt

Around Christmas, my mom gave Piper her quilt, which though big, isn't nearly as immense as this snapshot makes it seems. I set Piper in the center but by the time I took the picture, she was nearly out of the frame.

I set Piper down to pick some pecks of pickled peppers. (How many did she pick?)

Finally, my favorite part... I love the whole quilt, but the best part is the piper sewn in the center. Mom asked Debbie to draw a piper so she could use it for a template, and it is perfect. I love it, and when Piper's big enough to know, she'll love it, too.


Sarah said...

i'm coming over and stealing a girl or two and that there quilt; be warned.

Aunt Sarah

i love it i love it i love it

Grandma Johnson is a true artist and she doesn't realize it at all

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed with this beautiful quilt, especially the "piper" - how creative!

As always, love your posts and pics.

Abigail said...

You're making a habit of these threats, but so far, I've seen no action. And I told Mom about your comment. You're right; she has no idea!

Thank you!

Rebecca said...

When I saw this, I gasped so loud COrynn thought something was wrong and came running to save the day.

THis. quilt. is. AMAZING.

I've always had to fight the green monster when I would see the handmade with LOVE quilts your Mom makes the girls, but this one takes the cake. It practically comes right out of my dreams!

I love that your mother personalizes each one. Piper. Susannah's wren. I think you take after her in that way, making gifts for your children that are so....THEM.

Liana said...

This quilt IS amazing, and I, too - LOVE the piper!
How wonderful.
Homemade gifts are always my favorites.