

I wanted to get a picture of all four gussied up together since one was requested, but with the girls under the weather (what does that mean?), it wasn't meant to be.

Here are of few of them gussied up separately.

She's thinking, "Why on earth did you wrap me up like a department store display?!?"

SHE'S just thinking, "Why?!"

They're too busy grinning with every ounce they can muster to bother thinking.

She thinks all the time and rarely grins, just like I did when I was a baby.

After I took this picture, I put her back on top of the Christmas tree where she belongs.

Don't worry. She likes it up there.


Liana said...

the girls are all so lovely!
Where did you find Piper's dress - love it!!

Unknown said...

She IS the prettiest and most lovely angel I've ever seen to top a tree! Where can I get one??? Maybe this summer...but I'm totally prepared for another shepherd!

Full of Grace said...

Your girls are gorgeous, almost confections as they are so sweet!!! :)

Michelle P said...

Thanks for obliging your demanding readers...those girls never disappoint! And I too, would like to put in my order for a Christmas tree angel! ;)
Hope you guys are having a wonderful Christmas season!

Griffen said...

They are ALL lovely, but that one of the angel off the top of the tree is so sweet.

Abigail said...

My sister found it at a rummage sale and gave it to me for Piper to wear the Sunday before Christmas. I snipped off the red ribbon, rose and pearls and removed the square, lace collar. And then...the finishing touch. I removed the bow I'd made for our front door's wreath and tied it around her chubby waist. Voila!

To interested bidders, we'll think about loaning that angel out for a nominal fee...